You only get one chance
to make a first impression.
We bring out the best in you, in an organzied, employer-friendly
format that is professional (book-quality typesetting)
and easy-to-read. Complete services for preparation of résumés
and cover letters are available, including:
Professional composition, layout and
design to highlight your best qualifications
and win you the interview!
Book-quality typesetting
Professional composition
User-friendly layout that gets attention, gets read, and gets you the interview.
Cover letter and form letter service
We have been selected by various employment
services for preparation of their clients' résumés,
and we can do the job for you!
$64.00 for new résumé
$12.00 for new coverletter (if done at same time as résumé)
California residents please add 7.75% sales tax
For best service, we recommend completing
and returning
our standard resume questionnaire form.
This is available either a text file
for electronic submission or a
PDF file (for those whose browsers include
a PDF viewer or plug-in). If your browser does not include a PDF
viewer, you can download one FREE
from the developer, Adobe
Systems, at their website: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
This PDF viewer is available in both Windows and Macintosh formats.